Element #2: Reflective VoiceThread Vlog

See our Course Calendar for assignments & due dates.

Follow this link to access the VoiceThread.

Element Overview: Your Reflective VoiceThread Vlog will allow you to explore your evolving identity as a writer, thinker, research, speaker, presenter, and collaborator in all aspects of our course.

The goal of this Course Element is to help you think mindfully about your intellectual development in the areas outlined above. Each Vlog (Video Log) update will allow you to tell the story about one experience in the previous week or two that exemplified some aspect of your evolution in this course. You can examine something you did well, something you found challenging but were able to overcome, or something that you think got the best of you. Either way, your Vlog should explore what you learned in the process (the “takeaway”).

Element Time Frame: Weeks 3 – 15

Speaking Tasks – Reflective VoiceThread (VT) Vlog: Use this link to access the VoiceThread for this task. Follow the instructions and locate the slide for your personal Vlog. You will use this slide to post your updates every other week.

Your update must be posted using the video tool in VoiceThread. Updates should be no longer than 2 minutes in length. It is a good idea to jot notes to keep your comment concise, focused, and engaging for your classmates.

Updates are due prior to our class meetings in each of the following weeks:

  • Week 4
  • Week 6
  • Week 8
  • Week 10
  • Week 12
  • Week 14 (Final Reflection)


After Vlog updates are posted every other week, you will provide feedback to at least 4 of your classmates on their own Vlogs using the Video tool in VoiceThread.  Comments will enable you to identify aspects of your peer’s story that you find noteworthy, intriguing, or thought-provoking in some way. Each comment should be no longer than 1 minute. Comments are due prior to our class meetings in each the following weeks:

  • Week 5
  • Week 7
  • Week 9
  • Week 11
  • Week 13
  • Week 15 (Final Reflection)

Assessment: This Course Element will be evaluated holistically, taking into consideration the quality, thoroughness, and timeliness of your updates as well as your peer comments.