QOLT ePortfolio

Stacey Anderson Profile Photo
Dr. Stacey Anderson, CI English Faculty & Composition Director

Welcome to my ePortfolio, which showcases mastery of one of the nine principles in the Quality Online Learning and Teaching (QOLT) rubric. After participating in CI’s Blended Learning Preparation Program and Online Teaching Preparation Program, I redesigned my courses to enhance student engagement and success. This redesign was informed by the CSU’s QOLT Program, which helps faculty “design and deliver effective online-blended courses.” As articulated by  by the CSU’s Quality Assurance Program for Online and Blended Courses, There are many skeptics who question the quality of online teaching and therefore it is necessary to identify how to prepare instructors to effectively teach hybrid or online courses.” QOLT is a based on sound research and draws upon previous models for assessing effective teaching. This ePortfolio provides evidence of meaningful implementation of Section 1 of the QOLT Rubric.

CI Quality Online Learning and Teaching (QOLT) Rubric Section 1: Course Overview and Introduction

A successful online learning experience begins with an introduction to the course essentials.  The class should clearly convey what students will learn, how they will learn it, and who they will learn with. 

CI Keys Class Site: staceyanderson.cikeys.com

Course Being Assessed: staceyanderson.cikeys.com/engl-105-07-thurs/

Course Roadmap (Syllabus): cicomp.populr.me/english-105-course-roadmap

Course Calendar: http://tinyurl.com/z7jzag5

1. Instructor uses course environment to provide clear and detailed instructions for students to begin accessing all course components such as syllabus, course calendar, and assignments.

CI Learn "Start Here" Page
After students first register for the class and visit our CI Learn page, the point of entry is a “Start Here” page that directs students to the primary tools we will be using for the course: CI Keys and CI Docs. This allows students to view these resources before our first class meeting and later helps them locate these sites if they forget how else to access them.
CI Keys Point of Entry
When students visit the CI Keys site for the first time at the beginning of the semester, they receive a general welcome message and see a menu where they can locate the links for their particular course as well as the instructor profile.
ENGL 105 CI Keys Start Page
Once students click on the link for their specific course, in this case ENGL 105.07, they are presented with links to key course documents, including the Course Roadmap (syllabus), Course Calendar, Composition Program Scoring Criteria, and our Weekly Agendas.
ENGL 105 Start Page Continued
The Course Start Page also includes links to Learning Module 1, Learning Module 2, and Learning Module 3,  as well as general information and expectations regarding class meetings.

2. Detailed instructor information is available to students and includes multiple formats for being contacted by students, availability information, brief biographical information, and a picture and/or video of the instructor.

CI Keys Instructor Profile
The Instructor Profile tells the students a bit about my background and conveys my commitment to teaching and learning.
Course Roadmap - Contact Your Instructor
When students select the link for their own class, they are directed to the Course Roadmap (syllabus), which contains more detailed instructor contact information. Students are also provided with a Google Voice phone number they can use to text me (but is not published openly on the web).

3. Course description includes the purpose and format of the course, as well as prerequisite knowledge and competencies, if applicable.

Course Roadmap - Class Description
The Course Roadmap begins with the Catalogue Description of the class as well as an overview the nature of the course. Students are advised of the course expectations regarding writing and research so that they can know if ENGL 105 is the right fit for them.
Course Roadmap - Course Goals and Student Expectations
Additional information on the Course Goals and Student Expectations are provided  early in the Course Roadmap. These sections are aligned with Composition Program Syllabus Requirements.
Course Roadmap - Student Requirements
Student Requirements for successful completion of the course of clearly delineated in the Course Roadmap.
Course Roadmap - Principles of Learning
In the Course Roadmap, students are also presented with the the Composition Program’s Principles of Learning to help them understand the flow and format of course activities.

4. Online etiquette expectations for various forms of course communication and dialog (e.g., chat, “hangout,” email, online discussion) are presented and clear to the student.

Expectations regarding Online Etiquette are presented in great detail in the Course Roadmap.
Expectations regarding Online Etiquette are presented in great detail in the Course Roadmap.
Course Roadmap - Attendance and Common Courtesy
Because this is a blended course, the Course Roadmap also advises students on attendance expectations and common courtesy practices that will be expected in face to face meetings.

5. A link to the CI Academic Dishonesty policy is provided. http://www.csuci.edu/studentlife/student-conduct/academic-dishonesty.htm

Course Roadmap - Plagiarism Policy
The Composition Program’s Plagiarism Policy, which includes a link to CI’s Academic Dishonesty Policy is clearly communicated in the Course Roadmap. The policy defines plagiarism, details its consequences, and advises students on how to avoid academic dishonesty in their writing.

6. A list of technical competencies necessary for course completion is provided; identifying and delineating the role/extent the online environment plays in the total course.


The CI Keys Course Start Page instructs students that they are expected to bring laptops to each face to face class meeting (and can check out laptops at the campus library if needed.)
The CI Keys Course Start Page instructs students that they are expected to bring laptops to each face to face class meeting (and can check out laptops at the campus library if needed.)
Course Roadmap - Technology Requirements
Technology requirements as well as student support resources regarding course technology are provided in the Course Roadmap.

7. Instructor provides samples of student work and provides opportunities for students to ask questions.

CI Docs - ENGL 105 Sample Portfolios
Students are provided writing samples from previous students in our CI Docs folder, which is only accessible by members of the class. These samples help students understand assignment expectations as well the Scoring Criteria that will be used to assess their own written work.

8. Instructor asks students to share their own learning goals.

English 105 Personal Mottos
On the first day of class, students are asked to offer their personal mottos that will motivate them for the semester ahead. These mottos are posted in our class CI Docs folder as part of our roster/student contact page as well as a Google Slides presentation in which students introduce themselves to their classmates. Those files are not provided here to protect student privacy. However, samples of particularly inspirational personal mottos shared by students are included here.