ENGL 330.01 (Tuesday)

View the Course Roadmap for a general overview of ENGL 330.

See the Course Calendar for a timeline of assignments and due dates.

Access the Weekly Agenda for each class meeting.

Click on the links below for details and materials for each Course Element.

Element #1 – Research Journal (15% of Final Grade)

Element #2 – Reflective VoiceThread Vlog (15% of Final Grade)

Element #3 – Archive Dive (Essay, Presentations, & Peer Feedback) (20% of Final Grade)

Element #4 – Collaborative Inquiry (Poster, Presentations, & Peer Feedback) (20% of Final Grade)

Element #5 – #Failure (Storyboard, Video, Handout, Presentations, & Peer Feedback) (20% of Final Grade)

Element #6 – SCCUR Roundtable (Abstract, Handout or Self-Evaluation, Presentations & Peer Feedback) (10% of Final Grade)

English 330 is a three-unit, graded course that most students take to fulfill the UDIGE requirement (Upper Division Interdisciplinary General Education). In CI’s New G.E. Goals and Outcomes, the course is aligned with Outcomes 1.1c (Integrative Perspectives) and 4.2 (Written Communication).

This particular section of ENGL 330 will focus on the theme of Integrative Student Research. Students will engage in primary and secondary research in a manner that is typically not available to undergraduates and present their work in a variety of modes (written, oral, and multimedia).

ENGL 330.01  meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:00am till 11:50pm. Our classroom is Del Norte 1530. Attendance is mandatory. 

Students should bring laptops to each class meeting. Laptops may be checked out from the circulation desk at Broome Library for up to one week at a time.