ENGL 330 Agenda – Week 13

No Class Next Week!

In Class

  • Complete this form
  • Write afterword to Research Journal. Discuss your evolution over the course of the semester as a writer, researcher, creator, thinker. What have you done that you never thought you could? What new thing would you like to try in the near future? Discuss any new possibilities for you opened up by your work in this class.

Before Next Class

  • VoiceThread Vlog Update (by next Tuesday)
  • Research Journal Comments (by next Tuesday)
  • VoiceThread Vlog Comments (by following Tuesday)
  • Create SCCUR/Alternatives Handout. Make 15 copies and prepare to present to the class. Post handout here.
    • SCCUR Presenters: Share experience of presenting at SCCUR — what did you learn from the experience in general and in talking about your own work specifically? What has the experience revealed to you about how researchers disseminate their work? What would you do differently next time around, and what was the most rewarding part of the experience?
    • Alternatives: Share main takeaways from events you attended. What are the most important/interesting things you learned from each event? What were the main issues/ideas addressed? How did the event raise your awareness or inspire you to think differently about the topic addressed?