Learning Module 1: Scientific Literacy Narrative

See our Course Calendar for assignments & due dates.

Module Overview: In this learning module, you will examine your own scientific literacy in light of studies conducted by the Pew Research Center on the public’s knowledge and attitudes regarding scientific issues.

Module Time Frame: Weeks 1 – 4

Reading Tasks (Complete by Day Before First Class Meeting):

Writing Task – Scientific Literacy Narrative (Essay #1): In this essay, you will reflect upon the evolution of your own scientific literacy. Your paper will draw upon the reading tasks from this module, your results from the Pew Science and Technology Quiz, and texts from your own personal literacy story that reflect significant stages in your journey. You will also draw upon the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN) in composing your paper.

  • 1000 Word Revised Draft (with integrated sources) (Due Day Before Week 2 Class Meeting)
  • 2000 Word Complete Draft (with integrated sources and works cited) (Due Day Before Week 3 Class Meeting)