Learning Module 1: Speaking of Climate

See our Course Calendar for assignments & due dates.

Module Overview: In this learning module, you will study public discourses on climate change as examined in scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles, surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center, and a Frontline documentary.  You will become familiar with the conventions and practices of scholarly research and publication and the nature of this particular discourse community. And you will learn and apply strategies for reading, analyzing, and synthesizing scholarly articles.

Module Time Frame: Weeks 1-6

Module Reading Tasks:

Core Texts

Supporting Resources

Writing Task – Speaking of Climate (Essay #1): In this essay, you will analyze and synthesize the three scholarly articles linked above, drawing upon the Pew surveys and Frontline documentary in support of your analysis.  Your paper will convey your understanding how climate is discussed as represented in each piece.  Your paper will also examine what you have learned about the conventions and practices of scientific publication and the nature of this particular discourse community.

Schedule of Due Dates

Week 2: Summaries of Module 1 Reading Tasks

Week 3: Analysis of Module 1 Reading Tasks (1000 words)

Week 4: Synthesis of Module 1 Readings Tasks (2000 words)

Week 5: 5-6 Page Complete Draft of Essay #1 (with in-text parenthetical citations and works cited)

Week 6: 5-6 Page Polished Draft of Essay #1 (with in-text parenthetical citations and works cited)