ENGL 105.01 (Tuesday STEM)

View the Course Roadmap for a general overview of ENGL 105.

See the Course Calendar for a timeline of assignments and due dates.

Click on the links below for details and materials for each learning module.

Learning Module 1: Scientific Literacy Narrative

Learning Module 2: Climate Perceptions & Perspectives

Learning Module 3: Interrogating Research

Learning Module 4: Final Portfolio

This section of ENGL 105 is part of  CI’s STEM Collaboratives. The same cohort of students are enrolled in ENGL 105.01, CHEM 121.03, and UNIV 150.01.

ENGL 105.01 meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:00am till 11:50pm. Our classroom is Bell Tower 1611. Attendance is mandatory.

Students should bring laptops to each class meeting. Laptops may be checked out from the circulation desk at Broome Library for up to one week at a time.